Question : Problem: Dell Dimension 3000 - No Display

I just received a Dell Dimension 3000 to troubleshoot. He has integrated graphics on the motherboard and no video card. I was wondering about the chances of the integrated graphics going bad because I have no picture at all. Blank screen. I don't have a video card on hand at the time, but could that be a possible solution? The BIOS should have auto detection for a new video card so I shouldn't have to worry about that, but any help would be much appreciated! Thanks.

Answer : Problem: Dell Dimension 3000 - No Display

That may be a bad sign of a higher system failure.  Most computers give a single beep when powered on, as part of the POST (Power On Self Test).

A few things to try...

-  Try a different power supply on the machine.
-  Try a different video board.
-  Try a BIOS reset (jumper on motherboard)

If you remove the memory from the computer and power it on - do you get any beeps now?

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