Question : Problem: PIX issue

I just implemented a brad new PIX 506e...Prior to this our office was running on a backup linksys firewall.  I notice that when i ran a bandwidth test (i.e. while the PIX was hooked up, a speed of betweem 500 and 600Kbps was reported.

However, when i hoook the linksys back up and run the test, the report shows the more accurate 1300Kbps as i have a Full T1 to the internet.  I can't imaging that the linksys box would have more throughput than the PIX.  Any idea whats happening here?  Could this between a port speed issue?

Answer : Problem: PIX issue

Is the link light flashing orange or solid orange?

Take a look at the following link that show the port colours and their meanings.

If it's flashing orange, chances are this is your problem. I would hard set both ends to 100/full. If it is solid orange, you could try another port?


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