Question : Problem: Linksys wireless router g connection.

We bought a linksys wireless router with a g band for a conference room. I need to know what is the best way to connect this without causing a slow down to a work station.

Is it possible to connect directly to the server (is this advisiable) and what is the danger of this?

At the moment I have it connect to a work station ( a desk top computer), on the work station the internet connection seem to work fine at it's regular speed but the intranet speed have drop tremendously. Is there a way to improve this?

Any thought and/or idea are much appreciate.


Answer : Problem: Linksys wireless router g connection.

If you simply want wireless access in the conference room, here's what I suggest.
Turn off DHCP on the Linksys
Plug it into the LAN using the 'uplink' LAN port, NOT the WAN port.
Give it an LAN IP address on your internal network so that you can access the web page
Disable SSID broadcast
Change default SSID from "linksys" to something that does not represent who/what you are (I use DietCola or something equally ambiguous, and case sensitive)
Enable WEP encryption, or WPA would be even better.
However - there's always a "but" in there, huh - if you are going to have visitors or open access on this wirless, then you need to seriously consider using a separate VLAN for the wireless that is firewalled off from your local LAN.
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