Question : Problem: What can be causing this file to be skipped during backup?

I am running a backup of my server but it always seems to skip the file:

Why is this being skipped? Is there a reason why a certain file would be skipped over and over? I don't have any snap-ins like Security Template or Security Configuration and Analysis. My thinking is that is the only time secedit.sdb would be accessed. Yay? Nay?

Thanks for the responses in advance!

Answer : Problem: What can be causing this file to be skipped during backup?

Secedit.sdb is a file used for Local Security Policy editing.

You can try turning on Volume Shadow Service (VSS) to allow the backup of open files

However, if you are able to backup the system state of your server you may not have to worry about this file getting skipped.

See if you can open Local Security Policy on the computer that is being backed up via secpol.msc. If you can't then maybe the files are corrupt

You can try to return the Local Security Policy to its' installation state by:
01. Create an OldSecurity subfolder at %SystemRoot%\Security.

02. Move the log files and chk file from %SystemRoot%\Security\logs to %SystemRoot%\Security\OldSecurity.

03. Move the database from %SystemRoot%\Security\Database\Secedit.sdb to %SystemRoot%\Security\OldSecurity and change the file extension to .old.

04. Start / Run / MMC / OK.

05. Console / Add/Remove Snap-in.

06. Add the Security and Configuration Analysis snap-in. Press Close and OK.

07. Right-click Security and Configuration Analysis and press Open Database.

08. Navigate to the %SystemRoot%\Security\Database folder, type Secedit.sdb into File name, and press Open.

09. When prompted to import a template, select Setup security.inf.

10. Press Open. Ignore any Access Denied error.

11. Right-click Security and Configuration Analysis and press Configure Computer Now.

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