Question : Problem: Is Backup exec good solution?

I have several offices. One with four servers and a single tape backup. I have looked at the prices for Backup Exec 9.1, $500 or so for a single server and then $130 or so for additional server agents. For the small single server offices, is this one of the most reliable solutions? Is there something cheaper but just as reliable?
Thanks for any suggestions.

Answer : Problem: Is Backup exec good solution?

I swear by BE and I can say I wouldnt run anything else, if your budjet can stretch buy it with the "open file option" you dont need a library option as you only have one tape drive.

This software has saved my ass on hundreds of occations - remember SQL and Exchange have agents too.

DONT buy ARCServe - you spend more time in man hours keeping it running that you pay for the software :)

buy it now!! any system is only as good as its last backup, on greenfield sites I worry about backup solutions before anything (exept the OS's) its more important then AV software.

you made a good choice

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