Question : Problem: Format the Hard Drive of a Toshiba 335CDS

HELP!  My friend formatted his hard drive by doing the following::

        Turn on the computer. The screen should show the A:/ prompt.
        Type CD C: to switch to the C drive.
        Type "FORMAT C: /S /V". This command formats the hard disk, transfers the
        appropriate system files to make it a startup disk, and prompts you for a new name.
        The "/V" command is optional.
        Enter the new disk name.
        Eject the floppy disk and restart the computer. The hard disk is ready to receive files.

>>>>Now when he restarts the computer the he gets is a C:\
I have tried to read from the a:\ drive where he supposedly created a backup disk however my abilities inDOS are rather poor.  Please give me as much help as possible.....Is there a way to use the backup disk from a HP pavillion or a Dell 3800?  I am giving up major points so I am hoping for a very good set of instructions for him to use....Thanks for the help......

Answer : Problem: Format the Hard Drive of a Toshiba 335CDS

I assume you want to install Windows 95/98 on the machine and it has a cdrom drive?

Go to your dell or hp (whatever one you have the windows cd for) and make a Startup disk (start->settings->control panel->add remove programs->startup disk).

Boot up the Toshiba with the startup disk and cd rom in the drive, choose with cd rom support if you get a prompt.  Then change to the d: or e: drive and then cd\win95 or cd\win95 and run setup.exe
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