Question : Problem: VNC Viewer on XP to Mac ARD Not Available From Outside LAN


I have a Mac Mini that comes with ARD.  
I have installed Ultr@VNC on my XP laptop,  
I have a Linksys Router connected to a cable modem.
I have a static IP Address for the Mac Mini
I have enabled port forwarding for 5900, 5988, 3238 to the static IP of the Mac Mini

I can access my Mac Mini from my XP laptop within the firewall (use 192.268.1.x in the Ultr@VNC viewer).
I can ping the IP Address of the router and port 5900 (used

I can not ping port 3238 or 5988 even though it is set up for port forwarding the same way in the router (also through
I can not telnet to 5900 (either within LAN or outside it).
I can not believe how hard this is to do - Macs are supposed to be easy (I have set up VPNs for Windows no problem).

When I try to connect to the Mac Mini from outside the LAN, I get a 'Failed to Connect to Server' answer.

I have been reading about this for two weeks now and all the answers have been tried.  Any help would be appreciated.


Answer : Problem: VNC Viewer on XP to Mac ARD Not Available From Outside LAN

I believe the port you're needing for ARD is 3283 but you don't need that for VNC to work. Do you have the firewall enabled on the mac? That would explain why you can get to it from the inside but not the outside. Are you connecting to the VNC on port 5900? You can try setting the Mac Mini as a DMZ temporarily to see if you can connect from the outside.

It's very strange that you can't telnet into port 5900 from the inside either...what syntax are you using? It should be .... telnet iporname 5900  

I have VNC/ARD enabled on mine with port 5900 forwarded, firewall turned off on the mac and can telnet into it with the given syntax. If it's not working after this then you may need to double check your port forwards. To verify again you can enable websharing on mac mini and port forward port 80 and see if you get the defaul apache web page. If you don't, there may be something wrong with your forwarding method.
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