Question : Problem: Dell Inspiron tries to boot but won't

When I press the power button the lights flash briefly and then go out. It sounds like it tries to boot, but it doesn't get to the BIOS screen. We replaced the inverter one month ago and it's been working fine since then. This is what we've tried:
-different RAM in each of the slots together and alone
-the battery is charged; the same response whether on battery or on power
-tried removing the hard drive and booting from a CD, same problem
-although it doesn't boot up, there is still power to the CD, as I can pop it in and out and it starts to spin
-plugged in an external monitor - shows orange light and never goes green, even if I use the function keys to switch to an external monitor.
-the power jack is solid and the battery gets charged and it full

My guess is the motherboard, as if it were the processor I would think I'd still get to the BIOS screen? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer : Problem: Dell Inspiron tries to boot but won't

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