Question : Problem: the disk in drive d cannot be formatted
Hi everyone I'm new here and also new to computers and of course I have a problem with one. So here it is I was downloading CDRwin because I was going to try and use it to burn cue and bin files. I was having problems trying to burn cue and bin files with nero and alcohol 120%, which is why I downloaded CDRwin. When I was downloading CDRwin it asked me if I wanted to download ASPI drivers me not knowing what I'm doing clicked yes right away. I have a toshiba dvd-rw/cd-rw when I tried to burn with all 3 programs it couldn't detect the media, it wouldn't even show the capacity of the CD or nothing. So thinking this was strange because I just burned some cue files the night before, but they didn't burn right, regardless I knew the drive works. So I tried sticking a dvd movie in it worked and I also tried sticking a blank DVD in to burn it also worked.
I also tried the floppy drive it worked and I also tried my DVD-ROM drive it also works. I checked the drivers to see if they were working correctly and I also checked to see if CD-ROM's word in the DVD-Burner they do not, but the same disc works in the DVD-ROM. I also tried removing CDRwin and I recently downloaded Norton SYmantec before CDRwin and read that it could be that, so I removed it. I'm not sure what else to do and even where to begin. If anyine out there can help it would very very mush appreciated thanks.
Answer : Problem: the disk in drive d cannot be formatted
Try the drive in another machine - there is the possibility it just died.