Question : Problem: iPhone not syncing with Exchange 2003 SBS

My client had a blackjack phone that I set up to sync with his exchange server for email, calendar, and contacts.  It has been working perfect for the last 6 months, until he dropped it in the lake.  He purchased an iPhone, and wants this setup to sync.  It is version, 2.1.  
I went through the setup on the phone to sync.  I get the following errors:
1.  Cannot get mail, the connection to the server failed, or
2.  it will go through and say it updated with the cuurent time and date, but nothing comes through on the iPhone.

I did email the certificate to the phone, using a yahoo account and installed it on the phone.  

I used the iPhone configuratation utilility to install a profile on the iphone as well.

Also when I go through the setup on the phone, it states that it "verified exchange account"

I purchased an Iphone for myself to see if it would work with my exchange server, but I get the same errors.  So, this is two different exchange servers, and two different iphones.  I previously had a moto Q9 phone that synced flawlessly before the iphone.

my server is the only one on the network, 2003 SBS with SP2.
Thanks in advance

Answer : Problem: iPhone not syncing with Exchange 2003 SBS

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