Question : Problem: AutoPlay on my External HD on XP computer keeps popping up

One of my external HD's on my XP computer---about every 30-60 minutes or so--is searched in Autoplay without me doing a thing. It's damn annoying as every time it does this have to click Cancel..

OK, so I selected the HD > Properties > Autoplay tab. Fine, but what do I do this to prevent this from happening?


Answer : Problem: AutoPlay on my External HD on XP computer keeps popping up

Look for an Autorun.inf file in the root folder of the drive. If it exists, delete it and the problem will go away. Chances are you got hit with some malware. Run an in-depth cjheck using a couple of different antivirus/antimalware programs. You may even want to go to Trend-Micros website and run the free on-line scanner. It is very effective.
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