Question : Problem: When I am replacing the HArddisk the 2nd one now is also giving red lights. Is there a procedure i.e. insert the Hp CD and then setup the Raid? but there is already a Raid5

Well I have HP ML 370 G3 Compaq Proliant.

I had one Harddisk 36.4GB 10k ULTRA"320" SCSI giving red light. So i shutdown the pc and then replaced it with 36.4GB 10k ULTRA"3" SCSI. Now the next day I am again seeing the red light on the other one.

It was already on Raid 5 with the same Wide Ultra 320 all drives.

Now i repalced one of them with the "wide ultra 3" so will it affect the raid 5 or will it give red light for any reason?

I replaced a 2nd same 36.4GB 10k ULTRA"3" SCSI .

My Question is "When a scsi harddisk in an above server is showing red light then i replace an hdd, do i have to first run the hp cd and do some kind of configuration of RAID or just shutdown the server and simply take out the faulty harddisk and replace it with a same typ of 2nd Harddisk, then turn it on, the old harddisk in RAID 5 should sync with the new one and it should be working fine ??

Answer : Problem: When I am replacing the HArddisk the 2nd one now is also giving red lights. Is there a procedure i.e. insert the Hp CD and then setup the Raid? but there is already a Raid5

Also, as this server is pretty old, I'd expect the disks to die of age, so it is quite likely that the other old disks in the array will go down soon. Another thing you should do, is replace the battery on the array controller, it will also be quite old and spent by now, and if that is the case it could cause errors in the array.

The difference in the HD's shouldn't be much of a problem, you will just only be stuck at the performance of the worst disk in the array, The important thing is that your disk replacements need to have at least the same capacity or more compared to the old disks.
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