Question : Problem: How to split 6TB RAID6 volume into two volumes

I have an Adaptec 3805 SATAII RAID controller with 8 x 750GB drives.
All the drives are configured as one large RAID6 volume taking the physical 6TB to a 4TB volume.
The OS is W2K3 R2 x64 SP2.
I have the single physical volume configured as a single logical volume.

Because all my storage is assigned to one volume, I am having a hard time backing the data up, it would be much easier for me if I had created multiple volumes, then I could save snapshots on other volumes, and I can grow the space.

How do I use Adaptec Storage Manager and Windows Disk Manager to shrink the logical volume, then shrink the physical volume, then use the remaining physical space to create another storage volume, then another logical volume?

For Windows Disk Manager I know to right click and select shrink.
How do I move the data to the front of the volume so that I can shriunk the volume by alot?
How do I shrink the physical colume using ASM?


Answer : Problem: How to split 6TB RAID6 volume into two volumes

ChiefIT, thank you, Acronis Disk Director Server (costing $500) can resize the partition on the server, but does not have the ability to resize the physical volume.

Ideally I'm looking for somebody with knowledge on Windows Disk Manager to tell me how to move my data to the front of a volume so that I can shrink the logical volume using Disk Manager.

And I'm looking for somebody with knowledge on Adaptec Storage Manager to tell me, if possible, how to shrink a storage volume without loosing data.

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