Question : Problem: Raid 5 server fails to reboot after os installation

Hello all,

We have a new RAID 5 server we built here at work. We can install Suse Linux Server 8 or Win2003 server
on it, and all seems to go well during the installation. The software "sees" the storage potential of 100
gigs and allows us to format the SCSI HDD's. Everything goes normal until it's time to reboot the systam after the OS install. After that it just comes up with an error that there is no bootable disk.
It's like it can't write to the boot sector or something. If I go through the setup again the OS "Sees" the
partition and that there is data on it. It even say's something about a previous OS already instaled on the system. We have it configed with 4 HDD's in the RAid set and a 5th one as a hotswap drive.
Anyone else see anything like this? We have upgraded all known ROMS by flashing them already.


Answer : Problem: Raid 5 server fails to reboot after os installation

It was a bit tricky to install that card with 2000, you had to hit F6 during install and load the third party driver or the install proceedure would do the initial copy but not boot into windows but I haven't tried it with 2003 yet.
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