Question : Problem: Overclocking Pentium III 733 MHz

I am using a Pentimu III 733 MHz and I am trying to overclock it.  What is the highest frequency I can increase it to with the computer running stably ?  The Bios setting has a FSB / SDRAM / PCI frequency field to be set.    It is now default to 133 / 133 / 33.  And the frequency multiplier is 5.5 .  Should I only increase the FSB frequency while keeping the SDRAM and PCI frequency unchanged ? Or should the SDRAM frequency be increased by the same factor as the FSB ?  Please provide some suggestions.  Thanks.

Answer : Problem: Overclocking Pentium III 733 MHz

This question is being removed.  There seems to no definitive answer on this thread.

I shall accept my own comment, as this question seems to have merit, and will be moved to PAQ.

The points will be returned.

Thank you
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