Question : Problem: Load File and Execute error

After a recent power outage, My HP 4200/4300 printer reads: Load file and execute. I cant seem to get past this menu. I was told to do a firmware update but I cannot access any other menu. I tried to do a cold restart but the printer in not responding. I've powered the printer on and off dozens of times with no different response. Any suggestions, Thank you in advance for your response.

Answer : Problem: Load File and Execute error

Hi mosgood,

The message Load File and Execute Error means that the  bootloader of firmware is not present - without such the printer will never work.  To load firmware without having access to the menus, you will need to perform the following:

1.  Unzip the firmware file.  
2.  open a command prompt and change directory to the directory containing the firware file
3.  Enter the command copy /b [FILENAME] Lpt1 (assuming LPT1 is your printer port).  You must attach the printer locally to perform this.
4.  If you receive a timeout when copying, enter the command Mode lpt1:,,p and then repeat step 3.


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