Question : Problem: Noisy sound card from Microphone input

Hi Hardware experts,

I have a problem with noise from the sound card Microphone input.  

I have had the sound card for a couple of years but this is the first time I have tried to record anything. When I mute the Microphone on the Windows Volume Control, the noise goes away. When I unmute the Microphone the noise is there, regardless of whether a Microphone is plugged in or not. When I record, I can hear recorded audio but it is at a very low level compared to the noise.

I have also tried using the Line input. I do not get any noise from this input. However when I record and then play it back the sound is only on the left speaker.

I have upgraded drivers and this has not helped.

Any suggestions on how I can fix this problem. Or is it time for a new sound card?

Your advice is greatly appreciated.


Answer : Problem: Noisy sound card from Microphone input

Sounds like a new card might be the best option.

is it a humming noise,?

A microphone port is usually slightly amplified, and it sounds to me that something might be wrong, since you have constantly noise, and the real input doesn't get amplified.
the fact taht the line-in only gives left-channel indicates the same problem to me.

First, try to do a visual check of the soundboard, and/or then try to reseat it, this sometimes does wonders.
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