Question : Problem: File server Archive Solution required


We are expecting good archiving solution for our file server. Requirements are quite simple as follows,

§ Files should be archived to other disk or volume
§ Archived files stub(offline link) should be there in its original location
§ If user opens archived files, it should open as READ-ONLY mode. (Basically archived files should not be modified for compliance purpose. Like VSS). If user wants to edit those files, they have to save it in other name or some other location to do that
§ Some short of Auditing logs features required
§ We should able to select individual Files / Folders manually to ARCHIVE (Like backup specification, we have set some archive specification which files/Folders can be archived.)

We already tried few of industry standard software. Details below,

HP Archiving Software
Symantec Enterprise Vault

 § All these software are policy driven. All working under some sets of rules (like files older than x days, last modified date, *.doc, etc). Its not allowing us to choose some specific folder/files to archive.
§ Also, if we open archived files(ofcourse double-click on STUB file or PlaceHolder), the file getting restored from Archive Database and Open as EDITABLE mode. It shouldnt be editable as per our company policies.

Please help me to find proper solution to comply our requirement.

Thanks in advance.

Answer : Problem: File server Archive Solution required

I forgot something:
When restoring from a archive, it's not _removed_ from the archive itself. So when a user gets its file back, it's editable, but the original version still exists in the archive from the time the archive job was run. Next time you run the same archive job, the new version of the file will be archived as well (if the policy/rules apply to that file).

Restoring archived data really comes down to the point in time view you want to create ....
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