Question : Problem: Brightstor backup failed error E3831

Our backup job failed yesterday with error E3831 which states that Brightstor could not find any media for the job as it was not in the scratch set. This backup job has been running for over a year without issue with the same media pool etc and has had no changes. My question is why am I getting this error all of a sudden? I know that I can add a tape to the scratch set and solve the issue but how do I solve this issue permamently.  Why the sudden change? Thanks.

Answer : Problem: Brightstor backup failed error E3831


The reason why the backup would fail with a E3831 errors if either the tape in the scratch set is not in the library or there is no blank media in the library to continue the backup.

If  (scratch set tape / Blank Media) is physically available in the library and the group assigned for the job then the backup would not fail with these errors.

If the job has failed even though the tape is present in library then the possible reason would be database corruption as the media rotation is maintained in the database and if the database has gone corrupt then this error would pop up.

Please update what is the version of arcserve, database used by arcserve (native i.e VLDB /SQL). Has there been any power outage

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