Question : Problem: Input/Output electronics USB device hardware circuit setup question

I am seeking advice on operating the following device. I have written the basis of the necessary software in visual basic, but require assistance with some the required hardware components. I am able to see inputs using the software, but these are wrong, as it goes crazy because the device is not getting a proper digital signal.

I have the following device:

-The device has 16 inputs and 16 outputs
-I have 16 switches and 16 lights
-I want to use the 16 switches as the inputs, and the 16 lights as the outputs, so that when the software is reset, it waits for an input, and the first switch to be pressed (press to make) causes the software to light the a corresponding light. e.g. a person presses switch 2, light 2 goes on, then another person presses switch 7, no lights go on, then another person presses switch 5, no lights go on etc. The system is designed to work for a quiz buzzer system setup where all presses are recorded by the software in the order they were pressed (pressing multiple times has no difference until the software is reset, but I can do this bit at a software level).

I understand I might need resistors, and possibly a power supply, and I note that: "digital inputs on the digi-bee are connected to 74HC573 input latches which are part of the high speed CMOS logic family. When you connect them to a proper digital signal they will respond correctly." So essentially, I want to create this proper digital signal and need advice on the structure of a circuit including what wire connects to what pin.

More information is available from the manual:

Hope you can help.

Many thanks.

Answer : Problem: Input/Output electronics USB device hardware circuit setup question

i would strongly suggest using a separate power supply - if you overload your usb, your whole USB section can be bad.
Not sure what you need - a schematics for a driver circuit? like this ?
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