Question : Problem: Ghost 10 can't see drives


I am trying to back up my entire computer (essentially image my hard drive) using Ghost 10 to an external USB HD. I believe Ghost 10 can successfully do this from within the operating system (I don't understand how they can do this but that is irrelevant).

Everytime I attempt to "define a new backup". I get a series of error messages.

Unable to succesfully reconcile changes since last session.

Unable to enumerate the current drives on this system.

Cannot rescan drives

I spent a few hours on to Symantec Tech Support yesterday and I might as well have been talking to my hand. This culminated with the use of Norton Removal Tool which apparently deletes every shred of every Norton program which every existed on the machine. When I reinstalled Ghost the problem was still there.

A bit of a background which is probably the root cause.....My previous hard drive began to click so I bought and installed Ghost 10 and used it to create a hot image of my HD onto a new drive (F:\) When I took out the old C:\ Drive the OS wouldn't boot. I didn't realise it at the time but this was because it was still being called F:\ rather than automatically becoming C:\ when I removed the old C:\ as I thought would happen.

So I did a repair install of Windows which got me back into the OS, but now of course no programs would open because the registry refers to a C:\ drive which doesn't exist. I installed Partition Magic and changed the Drive letter from F:\ to C:\. Again OS wouldn't boot but I knew that a repair install would this time have everything back as C:\ (programs and OS). This all worked and the system was back to normal.

Messy eh?

So now I would like to use Ghost as a backup program to ensure that I never go through this hassle again but Ghost seems to have been spooked!

Any ideas would be greatly received.

Answer : Problem: Ghost 10 can't see drives

Norton Ghost was the best, but no longer as it nowaday. Acronis, Bootit-Ng, and others will do the job better. And according posts in EE board, Ghost is not recommended.
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