Question : Problem: Citrix printer mapping delay

Remote users login to Citrix, open application (Word, Excel specialty etc...) go to file/print nothing happens, about  30 seconds pass and a hour glass appears, maybe a minute or more passes and finally the drop down appears and populates with the printers available from the print server, at that point printing is available.

Answer : Problem: Citrix printer mapping delay

2 things, first, you can set your apps to wait for printers to map if you don't want to see the actual time it takes to create them.  Second, you can (and should if you can) restrict users to just their default plus any large, central devices you configure for everyone.  If you reduce mapping even for just the bulk of your users it will speed things up.  
You can policy this in with Citrix Policy; configure it in the Presentation Server can set it per user, per group, per server, etc...
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