Question : Problem: 1841 running MLPPP?

We just implemented MLPPP bonding two Internet T1's together on a Cisco 1720 router. It came up and works but I am frequently seeing dropped packets, which brought me to this site. I quickly found several posts stating the 1720 doesn't have the horsepower to run MLPPP properly.

I am wondering what the thoughts are on the Cisco 1841? I have one coming in early next week for one of my remote locations and was thinking about taking it for my Internet border router and send them this old 1720.

It really bums me out that I searched the Cisco site high and low researching the 1720 running MLPPP prior to setting it up and found nothing stating I shouldn't use it.



Answer : Problem: 1841 running MLPPP?

I don't believe it is about the MLPPP being enabled but it just got added to the trouble. FW + NAT + MLPPP may be it. Can't you eliminate the FW part from that box ?

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