Question : Problem: Treo 700p Contact/Address program

This question is in regards to the new 700P smartphone I've got running Palm OS.  My old Treo 600 contact/address program (PalmOne Contacts v5.4) used to allow names or other descriptions on the same line as phone numbers, display the extra data in view mode of addresses, and still make the phone call by selecting dial.  The new 700p, using contact software v 1.3.1, doesn't even display the extra text on the same line as a phone number and won't dial any number that has extra text.  For example, on my old phone, if I had a family and both husband and wife had a cell phone, I used to be able to put into my address/contact page:  Home: xxx-xxx-xxxx; Mobile: Daniel xxx-xxx-xxxx, Karrie: xxx-xxx-xxxx.  In address/contact list, the family name would display, with xxx-xxx-xxxx H, Daniel xxx-xxx-xxxx M, Karrie xxx-xxx-xxxx M.  Now, with the new phone, the extra text displays only within an edit mode and I can't dial anything with extra text...

Answer : Problem: Treo 700p Contact/Address program

1) Check to see if their are firmware updates available.

2) Check the manual again.

3) You may need 3rd party enhancements.

I hope this helps !
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