with both NIC's attached to a Cisco 4510....
What is the purpose of connecting to NICs to one switch? Load balancing?
If you have the two NICs connect in a managed switch with different Vlan, your NIC teaming must be in fault tolerant (failover) mode instead of load balancing. The common practice of failover is each NIC port connects to a different switch so if one switch goes down, other will pick up.
why it's not showing 2 GB and using both NIC's?
Link speed is not a sum of speed. If the link speed on your interface is 1GB, it's the maximum of link speed aprx. 1GB substract network overhead regardless the number of NICs in a team. So if you team 4 nics together, the link speed is still 1GB. If you have it load balancing, you will still have it 1GB but you have more room for traffic load.