Question : Problem: File TCP/IP Preferences could not be.....

I have a (L)user that keeps messing with his MAC computer.  I had everything working the other day and kjnow it's gone to heck !!  He is my only Mac (L)user.  Everyone else use Win95 desktops connected to an NT server.  When i went to re-configure the TCP/IP connections on his computer i got the following error.

The file "TCP/IP Preferences" could not be opened because it is locked or being used by another application.

I've re-booted this machine twice and everytime i go to mess with the TCP/IP setting i get that message.  can someone please help me out ??


Answer : Problem: File TCP/IP Preferences could not be.....

VERY simple answer here, folks -- you're all digging too deep. The "TCP/IP Preferences file is corrupt.
ttrogden -- Pointless slander about "Mac (L)users" aside, here's what you need to do. First, make note of the Mac's IP address (assuming it's manually entered and not via a DHCP server as any decent network would be). Next, open the user's hard drive. Locate and open his System Folder. Locate and open his Preferences folder (within the System Folder). Locate the file "TCP/IP Preferences" and toss it into the trash. Close all windows. Restart the Mac (via the SPECIAL menu). When the Finder reappears, empty the trash. Open the TCP/IP control panel and reenter the IP information. That should cure your problems.

And next time, try asking NICELY. Many of us are well aware of the, uh, "mindset" of Windows users and don't need such blatant reminders. Thanks.

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