Question : Problem: Watchguard VPN Client Disappearing Connections

Ok this is a weird one.  Several of our remote users are having an issue while trying to connect to our VPN (Firebox 1000) using the Watchguard VPN client.  When they right click the icon and hover over connect, NOTHING appears.  None of our connections are there (should be 3), and nothing is under "Disconnect".  If you open the connection manager all of the connections are listed and properly configured.  I have uninstalled the VPN client, reinstalled, reloaded our security policy, activated, deactivated, and everything else I could think of.

The weirdest thing about this is that it is NOT consistant.  Occasionally a user will reboot and the connections will re-appear.  Somteimes they will reboot 10 times in a row and nothing will show up under "Connect".  It is not a problem specific to one type of laptop or docking station, as it has been happening over 3 different models and on and off docking stations.  Any ideas?

Answer : Problem: Watchguard VPN Client Disappearing Connections

I have never had this particular issue before, but I may be able to help.  What version of client are you using?  The latest I beleive is version 10.0 (which is Vista compatible).  Also, do you know what version your Firebox is?

I do know that the VPN client "attaches" itself to the ethernet interface.  I am wondering if you installed the client while it is on the docking station if it attaches the driver to the docking station ethernet interface only and vise-versa - make sense?  Version 10.0 allows you to choose the interface you want to use after installation so that it is not attached to just one interface.
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