Question : Problem: NT Backup on Server 2003 Fails due to not a valid drive or access

we have a few 2003 servers that have run NT Backup successfully for months to an external drive and are now getting errors like the following below. The example below C and D are to be backed up nightly and the exchange is backed up seperate with NT backup.  However, the exchange backups run with no issues and the OS and data drive keep kicking out with similiar errors:


Type: Normal

Backup started on 9/3/2008 at 10:09 PM.

Error: The device reported an error on a request to write data to media.
Error reported: Invalid command.
There may be a hardware or media problem.
Please check the system event log for relevant failures.
The operation was ended.
Backup completed on 9/4/2008 at 6:29 AM.
Directories: 11740
Files: 122691
Bytes: 71,761,866,923
Time:  8 hours,  20 minutes, and  12 seconds

Error: C: is not a valid drive, or you do not have access.

An inconsistency was encountered on the media in E:\xserverBU.bkf. Do not append to this media.

Error: D: is not a valid drive, or you do not have access.

The operation was ended.
Backup completed on 9/4/2008 at 6:30 AM.
Directories: 11740
Files: 122691
Bytes: 71,761,866,923
Time:  8 hours,  20 minutes, and  16 seconds


The operation did not successfully complete.


Answer : Problem: NT Backup on Server 2003 Fails due to not a valid drive or access

1) Reboot the servers on a regular basis, and run chkdsk on all drives, including your external ones.

I hope this helps !
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