Question : Problem: Migrating to RAID-1 from 2 existing drives

Hey folks,

I need some information regarding the feasibility of implementing a RAID-1 solution into my existing setup.  I have a couple of old Maxtor hdds in my current rig, one mainly as a system drive and one as a storage/installation drive, both of which are only 5400rpm drives.  I want to migrate to a RAID-1 configuration and set up 2 arrays, one for each drive, replacing them with some new Maxtor 200gb 7200rpm DiamondMax 9 drives.

Since these drives are cheap and have reasonable performance, and since I already have an onboard RAID/ATA controller, I was thinking that migrating to a RAID a config would be a simple way to go.  Going with RAID-1 also provides my need for a viable and inexpensive backup solution since if one drive should fail, there's practically no downtime while I get that drive replaced.  (I've heard numerous reports of DiamondMax 9 drives failing within the first few months of using them, but being fine after having them replaced.  Obviously long-term reliability is unknown since this line is fairly new.)

Anyway, would I be able to clone my existing drive images to the new drives and still be able to use them in a pair of drive arrays?  (I want to make this work, so please spare me from offering alternative setups.)  Thanks.

Answer : Problem: Migrating to RAID-1 from 2 existing drives

Yes, this is an easy thing to do.  If this is going on the existing system then I would just make sure the the RAID drivers are loaded before you do this.  Use Ghost, Drive Image, etc., to ghost the drive over to the first drive of Array 1.  Then do the same for the second drive, ghosting it over to the first drive of Array 2.  
 I have an Asus K8V-Se motherobard I've done this on.

Anyway, put the new drives in for the first array and when it comes up, go into the utility for that controller.  Create the array and use the first drive that you just dumped the image on as the source drive.  It will mirror that one to the other new one.  Array 1 in a mirror is complete.  Then, do the same for the second array.  You'll now have your 2 mirrored arrays.

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