Question : Problem: Newbie connecting a Macbook Pro to a Windows network via VPN

I am a novice and new Apple convert. I have a Macbook Pro connected to a corporate network (the only Mac in the system). My machine connects and works fine, however, I am trying to set up a VPN connection for when I am away from the office. The system administrator has given me the name of the VPN server and I have simply used this to set up a new VPN network connection - But, it doesnt work. I get the error "Internet  Connect - The connection has failed. Please verify settings and try again".

One of the things that I am usure of is the "Shared Secret" - I asked the IT guys and they did not know what this meant. I have tried putting various passwords in here but to no effect - is this the cause of my problem? Can someone help me understand what this means, and what I need to do to fix it.

Thanks Heaps

Answer : Problem: Newbie connecting a Macbook Pro to a Windows network via VPN

try setting up a new VPN connection and use PPTP.  There's no "shared secret" with a PPTP VPN connection, and if they're using a Windows (RAS) server for the VPN it will be a PPTP connection.  The you can authenticate with your AD username and password.
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