Question : Problem: finger print reader that works on a domain

I have screensaver set to come on every two minutes to hide patient information while in exam rooms and want a finger print reader so the Dr. does not have to type in the password each time to get back on.  I want a fingerprint reader that works on a domain?  Any suggestions?  Microsoft's fingerprint reader does not work on a domain.

Answer : Problem: finger print reader that works on a domain

I've actually used the MS reader on a couple of domains.  And, it's not as difficult to use as some seem to think it is, but it's no where near as secure, either.  However, latex/vinyl gloves and or glove powder might make for a few problems along the way.  

To use the MS reader on a domain, you have to turn off the "Press Ctrl + Alt + Del" logon start setting, the main reason it's claimed the reader won't work on a domain.  The location for doing this depends on OS, but is fairly easy to find.  

A card swipe or transponder system would really be the better choice.

Good luck.
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