Question : Problem: Dos Memory

I'm trying to play a game in dos. (I have Win 95 & dos 7.0) I got an error message saying I needed 2mb of EMS Memory.  I finally found a config in Windows under Notepad and deleted a line that said "noems".  This gave me LOTS of EMS Memory but took away conventional memory.  I now have 506kb of conventional memory and need at least 575kb's.  I also cannot play other dos games that had been running fine.  There is a message to make sure any TSR's are not loaded.  I don't know how to find them, or what to do to unload them.  My dos is in High Memory.  My question is:  Is there a way to have both the EMS and conventional memory that I need?  Now, I have to choose, but I need both in the right balance.  If I've left out any information you need, please contact me.

Answer : Problem: Dos Memory


  Go to DOS and run "memmaker" [via DOS command] this allot
your memory for your programs that you are now using.

  Your TSR's are in your Netscape Directory or Netmanage, you
can also run a "search" of tsr*.* to show all tsr's in your C Drive.

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