Question : Problem: iPod needs to be restored via iTunes if not plugged in in over 1 day

Hello All!

I enjoy my iPhone 3g very much, but keep my old 60gig iPod for traveling and to listen to music in the car.  If I do not have it plugged into ANY power source (computer, USB charger, Car) for over 30 or so hours, it requires me to restore it.  

Restoring it really isn't a problem because all my music is stored on my external drive and i just re-sync.  Only thing is that it takes forever as I have 9000+ songs.

I'm thinking that this is a bad battery issue, but after restoring it on iTunes, it shows a full battery still.  I thought I'd replace the battery myself, but wanted to investigate first to see if there was another fix out there before spending cash.  I Googled it for a while, but didn't come up with anything definitave.

What do you think?


Answer : Problem: iPod needs to be restored via iTunes if not plugged in in over 1 day

THe clue here might be "my old 60gig iPod "
How old is "old"? THe iPod lithium ion batteries have a limited number of recharges & what you are describing is pretty typical of the behaviour of batteries near the end of their useful life.
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