Question : Problem: Remote Desktop Web Connection Config and Security

Hello could some one please help me out here Im sort of completely lost so any help would be much appreciated.

OK I have a 2K3 AD domain. I have an internal TS Server which our VPN and Remote users use to gain access to certain apps. My boss has tasked me with setting up a web acces page to get access from the web to the terminal server, a bit like Remote Web Workplace in SBS2003.

Ok I have a 2k3 server on the internal network running IIS and hosting the TSWeb web page, I have a rule on the ISA box to allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic from the web pointing to the webserver. I have configured the public IP and paths etc.

I go to an internet browser from the internet type in the public name and I get prompted for my domain username and password

*** 1st issue how secure is this sending of the password from here?

I enter my credentials and viola I get the TSWeb page up no problem. So I enter the name of the terminal server which I want to connect to and I get an error saying that the client could not be found.
*** 2nd issue any ideas why this cannot resolve the server name? I thought with the web page being on the internal network I would be able to use the internal name.

So then I enter the internal IP of the Terminal Server, I get a different error this time saying that a network issue may be causing the problem?

*** 3rd question my gut feeling is that traffic across port 3389 (RDP) is being blocked by ISA does this sound right? If I open up the port traffic over the default RDP port how secure is this going to be? Is there any way I can change the port that traffic runs across and if there is could some one please give me advice on how to do this?

And finally if anyone is reading this does this solution sound completely wrong? Am I leaving a giant great big hole in security on our network? I was half surprised I even got the website to publish on the web, so to get this far is quite surprising.

Answer : Problem: Remote Desktop Web Connection Config and Security

See this kb article:

kr, J.
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