Question : Problem: laptop screen repair

We have a Dell Inspriron 4100 Laptop... Xp, something accidently fell on the edge of it causing about a 1 inch hole in the screen.  The laptop was purchased used.. researching the price of a new one, they seem higher then what we paid for the laptop.
My questions
1) Can we take the screen from ANOTHER laptop and put it on this one? I am obviosuly NOT a hardware its a thought.  I THINK its an XGA+ screen but not 100% certain on that

2) What does it mean when people have blemished screens... these are a little cheaper- I found one for 125--which is like 1/2 of what I paid for the laptop.


Answer : Problem: laptop screen repair

You may be better off just purchasing another used Dell Inspiron 4100.  then just transfer the hard drive from the old one to the 'new' one.
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