Question : Problem: Can Palm's VersaMail Exchange ActiveSync accept an Exchange Server Security Policy?

We are running Exchange 2007 SP1 on Windows 2008 Server. Exchange ActiveSync is setup with SSL disabled. Our Windows Mobile ActiveSync clients are able to sync without error. However, our Palm Treo VersaMail clients fail with the error: AirSAMStateMachine.c 1913 4628

Before the Windows Mobile devices sync for the first time, they are prompted with this question: "Exchange Server must enforce security policies on your device to continue synchronizing. Do you want to continue?"

My best theory for the Palm VersaMail failure is they are unable to respond to the Exchange security policy. (As I said, this is only a theory.)

Is VersaMail able to accept an Exchange security policy?

Is there a way to prevent the enforcement on the Exchange side?


This is a sub-question from: Q_23643015

Answer : Problem: Can Palm's VersaMail Exchange ActiveSync accept an Exchange Server Security Policy?

It seems that VersaMail can not accept an Exchange ActiveSync security policy.
However, on the Exchange side, you can delete the Default ActiveSync Security Policy. Once this is deleted, our VersaMail clients were able to sync:

Start --> Programs --> Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 --> Exchange Management Shell
Remove-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy -Identity "Default"
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