Question : Problem: SQL Server Backup over the Internet

I usually use ArcSerce

but usually I am using it on the same LAN

I have a client running a website database

Windows 2003 Web Server with Windows 2000 SQL Server on it.

using ArcServe could we backup over an dsl connection (maybe even a dedicated 512/512 connection?)

2nd part of this question

can some one recommend solutions on how they have done this elsewhere.


Answer : Problem: SQL Server Backup over the Internet

The connection is only a problem for throughput.

Go to backup and see if the server shows up. Set up the SQL server with both the client and SQL agents. Then in the backup window see if you can browse the system via the client agent. Later versions of ARCserve will show the SQL server from the agent view, earlier version only showed the SQL server from the network view. If it shows up then you should be good to go. If there is a firewall you have to open port 6050 and 6051 for it.
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