Question : Problem: Why are laptop processor speeds so SLOW?


Why are laptop processor speeds so slow when compared with desktops?

Is it just that laptops as a class offer less raw computing performance due to their compact size, ie it's a design limitation?

Many thanks for explaining this to me.



Answer : Problem: Why are laptop processor speeds so SLOW?

they arent.. the speed step which can make them apear slower.

in that i mean a 3gig laptop processor will be as fast as a 3 gig desktop processor

but its mainly becasue of battery life

you could make a 5ghz laptop processor.. but it would run the battery flat in about 15min!!

and seeing as laptops are ment for office work like wordprocessors and such there is no need for extreamly fast processors so although you can get them. most people prefer to have a resonable speed procerros and long battery life
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