Question : Problem: S - using itouch for remote access without firewall ?

I have an ipod Touch, and I am curious about using it for a remote access solution.  It has a VPN and I can use it to VPN into my network, check mail, etc.  But right now I only use it on the 3 networks I setup, home, inlaws, and work ,because I know they are secure networks.  But that makes the usefulness very limited.  If I am out and about, I would like to use it for connectivity, but I do not trust that there is not a firewall with an "on" button, as that would make me feel much more comfortable with using someone else's wireless network.

Does anyone know of a way to confirm that there is a FW and it is on?  I guess I can wait and see if someone makes one available via the new App store, but I was just curious.


Answer : Problem: S - using itouch for remote access without firewall ?

Honestly I wouldn't be as concerned.  A legitimate and real concern is what you do on the Internet when using one of those networks.  Although your device may not be hacked or exposed the info you transmit could.  This would be the same though no matter what machine you used or how secure.

Of course keep up to date and be wise but the history of Apple and the type of device make it so I would not be overly concerned.  Even if I did find firewall software for the iTouch I would not buy it unless I knew there was some odd vulnerability.  So far the fixes and security issues with iTouch seem to be related to installs, etc (i.e. not something using the wireless connection).

Let me know if I can provide any more info or if you have a question.  Of course feel free to give this some time to see if a different expert has some other info or a different opinion.

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