Question : Problem: Blackberry will not sync unless Domain Admin

Our office has multiple users with Blackberry devices. All work fine with our exchange server using the desktop redirector software. There is one user who suddenly is unable to sync her Tmobile Pearl device. When the device is connected and the software begins its start up, itll will give me an error with no number, just a "see logs" in partenthesis. The user had no issues until about a month ago when the software would just hang and crash on the same item. I cleared out the phone and sync'd again with no problems until this error about a week ago.

I called Blackberry and while on the phone I for some reason tried giving this user Domain Admin rights. Suddenly it all worked and synced fine. When put back as a normal user, it gives the error to "see logs" but cannot see the logs unless a domain admin either (but when a domain admin, the error log is replaced with a successful log. Giving her local admin rights results in the same error message.

I'd very much prefer not to have any users with such high security rights. The Blackberry tech had never heard of this issue and wasn't able to resolve anything.

Answer : Problem: Blackberry will not sync unless Domain Admin

I would also try to use a different or new windows User profile locally, with Local Admin rights.

The old one may have gotten corrupted.

I hope this helps !
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