Question : Problem: Integrated wireless adapter on ASUS mobo has disappeared

HI all, hoping someone can fix a major problem for me.

I've got a ASUS P5Q3 motherboard with integrated wifi (Asus Wifi-AP @n). I run Windows Vista x64 Ultimate. My CPU is an Intel Core 2 Quad 6600.

After updating my computer after the recent Microsoft updates (I applied all the important updates released on Dec 13 and Dec 18 in one go yesterday) my computer appeared to work fine after I rebooted it.

However, today when I boot it up, it doesn't reconise the wireless adapter at all. It's as it is isn't there. Vista doesn't know it's there, and if I try to reinstall the drivers, even the driver software says that the adapter must be connected (i.e. connect the thing before trying to load the driver).

To add insult to injury, the cool little embedded linux distro that you could boot into has also disappeared.

I've reverted to the restore point before the updates, and flashed the bios to the latest version from the Asus support website, with no sucess.

Any assistance, or even pointing me to anyone experiencing the same problem, would be appreciated.

I've got to head to bed now, so I won't be able to answer questions for 8 hours or so, sorry.


Answer : Problem: Integrated wireless adapter on ASUS mobo has disappeared

Okay guys, I did some digging, and got the following process from some posts on the manufacturer's support forum.

Doing a 'hard reboot':

1) Closed all programs while the computer was running
2) Carefully and quickly pulled out the power plug
3) Went into the case and removed the CMOS battery from the motherboard
4) Reset the CMOS by using the jumper
5) Put the CMOS battery and power cord back in
6) Hit the power button
7) Re-configured the BIOS to all the relevant settings
8) Booted into Windows
9) At this point, the device was visible in the device manager, so I:
10) Reinstalled the device drivers, available on the ASUS support website.

After this, it has been running fine and as per usual.

I don't know if every step is necessary, but I do know it worked. I think something must have just freaked out the BIOS a little bit.
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