Question : Problem: Two sets of Microsoft keyboard and mouse interferance

Hi Experts,

I have a problem where two persons are using same set of Microsoft wireless keyboard and wireless mouse, sitting in the same office and when one is moving mouse or typing something on the keyboard exactly same thing is happening on other person computer and vice versa. Is there any way i can change frequency of the wireless receiver and wireless keyboard/mouse set?



Answer : Problem: Two sets of Microsoft keyboard and mouse interferance

Generally there is a button, small and recessed, underneath your keyboard and mouse and a similar button on the receiver that actually plugs into your PC.

By pushing this button and or pushing the button on the receiver a random frequency is picked.

The manual that came with your wireless keyboard and mouse should tell you exactly how to reset it or how you power cycle and push a button so that the keyboard, mouse and receiver "sync up" on a frequency. Do this a couple of times on one of them and you "should" be good.

If they are infrared, of which there are a few, it could be more problematic and need to be well separated visually.

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