Question : Problem: Why do my eyes hurt using this monitor?

I have bought this monitor and have decided that I will refund it. I tried to reduce brightness, contrast, changed resolution from maximum and optimal to something lower which allowed 75 hertz, still it was hurting my eyes. Im worried that if I buy another one, different make it might hurt. I have not had this problem with any lcd. Had this same problem on my Samsung 40" tv but there was an energy saving setting which reduced the colours and my eyes stopped hurting. Done everything from the settings to try and fix the problem but no resolve, tried it on two computers, laptop and desktop with Nvidia card. No change given in both. The resolution of this monitor was 1680 x 1050 at a rate of 60 hertz which could not be altered. Any suggestions, I tried all that clear font stuff and other tips from the Internet nothing seemed to work. Reducing brightness and contrast significantly helped slightly but not enough, and it obviously took away all the colour and brightness for it to be worthwhile.

Answer : Problem: Why do my eyes hurt using this monitor?

Is it possible that you are too close to the monitor? The larger the monitor, the farther you should be from it. Other than that, you just have to play around with resolution settings which you say you have done. One other option is that you may simply need glasses.
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