Question : Problem: how do i save multiple terminal sessions that are managing remote connections as a window group??

OK, this should be really simple, but I am having trouble figuring it out.  Here's my scenario -- I boot up 5 or six different terminal windows on my Mac that I then use to ssh into different servers to monitor & do some shell scripting.  I have these connections saved as "Remote Connections".

What I'd like to do is "Save as a Window Group" all of my connection windows, so I can just open the Window Group at the beginning instead of running the ssh connection commands everytime.  Seems like it should work, but....when you save as a window group (even when the terminal was explicity started from the remote connections menu) it just starts you up at your regular local shell -- instead of the remote connection, which was the whole point.

Really frustrating -- I expected the "Save as a Window Group" to be smart enough to save me the effort of doing "ssh -2 @" in each freaking window.   I may have to revert to using PuTTY on my windows machine to save myself the irritation. Please help!

Answer : Problem: how do i save multiple terminal sessions that are managing remote connections as a window group??

An initial effort and onboard feature would do:
1. Setup the Mac Terminal in the way you want it to show up
2. Create your session settings: Preferences -> Start -> Shells open with: [your command string] (e.g.  /usr/bin/ssh -2 username@IP address)
3. when settings are OK, Menue "Shell" -> "Export settings..." -> choose a filename and location -> done.

Repeat the steps 1-3 for all your needed Terminal Windows. The saved documents should be stored in one folder. You can open the folder, select ALL documents by 'Command-A' at once and open them by 'Command-O', as well known.

Do not forget to revert the Terminal to your Standard settings for normal use.

This approach can be used for almost every setting you would need, not only for ssh.

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