Question : Problem: Microsoft SMS 2003, Setting up and deploying packages (basic help)

I've come into an environment where they have an SMS 2003 installation, but it seems to have never been implemented 100% (there are a few packages that seem to be for testing).

I am new to SMS, and need a bit of guidance, here is what I have done:

-Obtained a 7zip MSI.
-Placed MSI on a network share (permissiosn are domain admin access only)

1. Create Collection
-Created a new collection in SMS named 7zip.
-Clicked the "Query Rule Properties" button (yellow), on the "Membership Rules" tab for the collection.
-Named the Query Rule "7zip" and chose "User Group Resource" for the Resource Class.
-Clicked "Edit Query Statement" and switched to the Criteria tab.
-Clicked the yellow star button to open the Criterion Properties general tab.
--Criterion Type: Simple value
--Where: User Group Resource - User Group Name
---Attribute Class: User Group Resource
---Alias as:
---Attribute: User Group Name
--Operator: is equal to
--Value: 7zip

2. Created Group
-Created a new security group in AD named 7zip.
-Added my user account "jdoe" to the security group.

3. Created "Package From Definition"
-Right clicked Pagage, went to "New>Package From Definition"
-Browsed to and selected the 7zip MSI file, "Igor Pavlov" showed as publisher, "7-Zip 4.65" showed as name under "Package definition".
-Source File> Chose "This package does nto contain any files" (THIS MAY BE WRONG..?)

4. Created Advertisment
Name: 7zip
Package: Igor Pavlov &-Zip 4.65.......
Program: Per-user attended
Collection: 7zip

When I log into a computer as the user "jdoe" I would expect either 7zip installation to launch automatically, or for it to appear in "Add-Remove Programs" under "Add New Programs".

What am I missing here? Do I need to configure group policy to use SMS or something?


Answer : Problem: Microsoft SMS 2003, Setting up and deploying packages (basic help)


First you need to include the files in your package. Right click on your package - properties - data source and change the setting.
Then you have to distribute your packages to a distribution point.

If you want the application to install  automatically set it to mandatory in your advertisement.

Hope that helps,


Ulf M.
Random Solutions  
programming4us programming4us