Question : Problem: Excluding member of a security group

I have the following query.

SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName like "%Virtual Earth%" and SMS_R_System.SystemGroupName != "Domain\\SecGroup" or SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName like "Google Earth"

what I want is to list all users that have the apps install but Exclude users that are members of the Security Group.
The query above does not exclude the group members only the group itself.

How can I acheive this using WQL?


Answer : Problem: Excluding member of a security group

Phil - thanks -
however on reflection my query to extract members of the security group does not work. i think i need a User Resource  fro this and i cannot seem to combine System Resource object types with User Resource object types using this method.
I can only combine resource objects types which are the same.
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