Question : Problem: WIN XP scanner installation problem

I upgraded from Win 2000 Pro to XP Pro and now one of my scanners doesn't function. When I try to install it or the new XP drivers for it, it gives me a blue screen saying DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL. Then it shuts down. It freezes up my mouse also. Thinking it was the scanner I tried to install a new Canoscan 1250U2F and it has the same problem. I unloaded new drivers for the Canon, etc. but no solution. I disconnected my Nikon slide scanner and the Canon still wouldn't install. Removed the Canon, reinstalled, no fix. I reinstalled XP and no fix.

Answer : Problem: WIN XP scanner installation problem

What connection are they using?? USB?? Try updating the Bios to one that supports XP better.  also you said it gave you this message... DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL  what was the Error code that goes along with that??
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