Question : Problem: optical usb mouse stopped working

I have an odd problem --
My optical USB mouse just stopped working.
It's a dual boot Linux and XP Pro machine, and the mouse just out of the blue stopped working in Windows one day when I booted up.

I've verified that everything works correctly in Linux, so it's not a hardware problem.

Tried different mice; no change
I've tried adding a USB PCI card; no change
Removing and redetecting USB, HID, and Mouse; no chang
Tried PS/2; no chang
Tried different keyboard; no change
Tried uninstalling last program; no change
Tried copying USB from another machine; no change

All other USB devices work fine.
I see the mouse cursor on the screen, and the mouse light comes on when the system boots, and there are no problems in the Device Manager, so it seems as though the system's seeing it.

Any ideas?

Answer : Problem: optical usb mouse stopped working

I was never able to get this fixed.

I did seem to have some positive results with the repair function in the XP installer, but it would get to the desktop with a working mouse and blue background, then pop-up an LSASS.EXE error indicating mismatching passwords, then restart and go through the whole thing over and over again.

with that error, I I tried this from Microsoft:
but it involves restoring from backup registries from Windows Restore, which I didn't have, either, so...

looks like a reinstall is in order.  I'd really hoped to avoid that, but it looks as though I've exhausted all my options.
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