Question : Problem: Blackberry email bounces back with "mailbox is full"

We have a user that cannot receive any e-mails on his Blackberry phone.  He has an exchange account at [email protected] which is set up to forward everything to his phone's blackberry e-mail address.   However, whenever an e-mail is sent to him, the message bounces back with:

The message could not be delivered because the recipient's mailbox is full.
    < #5.2.2 smtp; 552 5.2.2 Over quota>

He has deleted all messages off of his phone with no change.  This issue has just appeared today, e-mail was working fine before.  Does anyone have any information on how to fix this?


Answer : Problem: Blackberry email bounces back with "mailbox is full"

I would disagree that it was a problem with the Exchange account. If the user is having email sent to the phone (instead of using a BES) then they need to clean out the account at the ISP/Mobile Phone provider.

The message is not an Exchange message.

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