Question : Problem: Resizing paritions (Primary Parition & Extended Partition) when restoring a Ghost Image

I have a Power Edge 600SC, running Windows 2003 SBS. It has 3 paritions:

1.) Dell Diags Partition (133MB)
2.) System/OS Parition (12GB) Primary Partition (NTFS)
3.) Data Partition (68GB) Extended Partition (NTFS)

I am out of space on the OS partition, so I need to resize it larger.

I currently have created a Ghost image of each partition individually. What I plan on doing, is formatting the drive, and using Gdisk.exe to create new parittions in the following sizes: 133MB, 40GB, and 40GB.

Then I would like to restore the images to each partition. When I create the new partitions, will it work properly if I make both 40GB partitions primary partitions, rather than a primary partition, and the data partition an extended partition like it currently is?

Any other thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Need help on this ASAP, thank you!

Answer : Problem: Resizing paritions (Primary Parition & Extended Partition) when restoring a Ghost Image

You can have up to 4 primary partitions on a disk or up to 3 plus one extended where the extended then creates logical drives.  It should make no difference to Windows - but be warned... there is both time and risk involved in resizing partitions.  Doing a little data management is generally quicker and FAR less risky.
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